
Digital Airline Score (DAS) Benchmarking Reports

SkaiBlu engages in comprehensive research on the competitiveness of airlines in cyberspace. We regularly assess the online performance of over 160 carriers worldwide across a spectrum of 28 factors in several digital areas. From web data privacy practices, online platform operations, and website features to web customer service, e-sales & distribution, and online marketing, SkaiBlu tracks activities in these areas through a proprietary scoring methodology called the “Digital Airline Score” or “DAS”.

SkaiBlu produces a series of DAS-based benchmarking reports that benefit decision makers for several reasons:

  • They allow to obtain a better understanding of a company’s level of e-commerce adoption and use relative to rivals
  • They provide for an enhanced insight into the extent of improvement required by a company to move to an advanced e-commerce stage
  • They can be used for a change readiness assessment that evaluates a company’s ability to adopt and implement an e-commerce breakout strategy

SkaiBlu research reports provide you with valuable insights and actionable advice to have a competitive edge in the market place.


Global Digital Airline Score Benchmarking Report

This is SkaiBlu’s most expansive research. The Global Digital Airline Score Benchmarking Report offers detailed insight of over 160 worldwide carriers based in seven geographic regions. The report provides for a comprehensive understanding of airlines’ digital profile and their digital performance across the full spectrum of DAS attributes. It is intended to help digital strategy executives benchmark globally the online capabilities of companies and identify ways to assess their competitiveness in cyberspace.

This report is available for individual purchase and also includes a service call. Pricing upon request. For more information, please contact us


Regional Digital Airline Score Benchmarking Report

The Regional Digital Airline Score Benchmarking Report is designed for firms focused on a specific geographic region. This highly targeted DAS report covers all major carriers in the following regions:

  • North America
  • Latin America & Caribbean
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • China, Special Administrative Regions, Taiwan
  • Africa
  • Middle East

This report is available for individual purchase and includes a service call. Pricing upon request. For more information, please contact us

Custom Digital Airline Score Benchmarking Report

Whether you need detailed insight into the digital quality of one particular airline, a group of carriers, or want to expand your know how in a certain area of e-commerce, SkaiBlu can provide for the answers that you need to succeed.

Custom Digital Airline Score Benchmarking Research reports are tailored to meet your specific requirements applying our thoroughly developed research methodology. The digital airline score report provided by SkaiBlu are based on solid, actionable data and experienced analysis that enable clients to make sound strategic decisions.

For more information, please contact us